Website Disclaimer


Senna Bakker (hereinafter referred to as "Senna") grants you access to this Website and invites you to review its offerings. Senna reserves the right to modify the content or remove parts of it at any time without notifying you.

The information on this Website is provided without obligation and does not constitute a concrete offer to enter into an agreement.

Limited Liability

The materials offered on this Website are provided without any warranty or claim of accuracy. These materials may change at any time without prior notice from Senna.

Users can post their own content on the Website. Senna does not exercise prior control or editorial supervision over this content. Senna will seriously investigate complaints about user content and intervene where necessary. Please contact us via the contact form for this.


All intellectual property rights concerning these materials lie with Senna and its licensors and users. The content of the Website is available under the Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0, unless otherwise indicated for specific materials.

It is not permitted to include web pages or individual elements (such as images, videos, or interactive applications) of the Website in a frameset or to process them via an inline link on another web page if this could cause confusion about the origin of the material.


This disclaimer may change from time to time.